Project New Jobs in Bingen

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Location Data Specialist  

Albstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The data collectors will be given specific routes around public streets and areas, specifically targeting commercial districts and historical sites. Due to poor weather conditions, some areas will be visited...

von: - Vor 21 Tagen

Mobile Mapping Operator  

Albstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The data collectors will be given specific routes around public streets and areas, specifically targeting commercial districts and historical sites. Due to poor weather conditions, some areas will be visited...

von: - Vor 21 Tagen

Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapper  

Albstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The data collectors will be given specific routes around public streets and areas, specifically targeting commercial districts and historical sites. Due to poor weather conditions, some areas will be visited...

von: - Vor 21 Tagen

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Project New in Bingen