Consulting Jobs in Unterföhring

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Senior Consultant (m/f/d) - Allianz Consulting - Digital Platforms & Solutions  

Unterföhring, Bayern, Germany

We highly welcome candidates with a genuine interest and affinity for Information Technology (IT) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), as these attributes are considered valuable assets to our...

von: - Vor 2 Tagen

MidCorp Transformation Manager (m/f/d)  

Unterföhring, Bayern, Germany

As part of the step-by-step Commercial Transformation, you will support the roll-out of OEs, collaborate with MidCorp OEs to define transformation roadmaps with clear, actionable measures aimed at delivering...

von: - Vor 3 Tagen

Junior IT-Consultant im Beratungsbereich "Digital Technology" (m/w/d)  

BWI - 80331 München, Deutschland

Wir suchen verantwortungsvolle IT-Spezialist\*innen, die die Bundeswehr-IT aus Überzeugung in herausfordernden Digitalisierungsvorhaben weiterentwickeln und so einen Beitrag zur Sicherheit Deutschlands...

von: - Gestern

Senior Consultant (m/f/d) - Allianz Consulting - Transformation & Strategy  

Unterföhring, Bayern, Germany

Complete client engagements under the guidance of an Engagement Manager, including all project deadlines and deliverables, troubleshooting and problem resolution, conflict management, client and stakeholder...

von: - Vor 3 Tagen

Senior Manager Strategic Business Partnering (m/f/d)  

Unterföhring, Bayern, Germany

Your job is to work with the Consumer Group, the Content team, Sports, Finance and other internal partners to answer strategic questions within various projects (e.g. partner selection, evaluation of broadcasting...

von: - Vor 11 Tagen

Consultant (w/m/d) Digital Transformation, berufsbegleitend zum Master Digital Business Innovation and Transformation  

Campana & Schott - 80333 München, Deutschland

Welche Leidenschaft bringst Du in unser Team? Bei uns hast Du die Gelegenheit im Rahmen einer Teilzeitbeschäftigung (60%) als Consultant (w/m/d) Digital Transformation in spannenden Kundenprojekten in...

von: - Heute

Senior Consultant (m/f/d) - Allianz Consulting - Operations & Productivity Excellence  

Unterföhring, Bayern, Germany

Allianz Consulting's structure focuses on competencies and delivery. Therefore, we are set-up in so called "practice areas" and "service clusters" that focus on the following topics: Contribute to internal...

von: - Vor 11 Tagen

Commercial Service Management Internship / Working student (m/f/d)  

Unterföhring, Bayern, Germany

Allianz Technology is the global IT service provider for Allianz and delivers IT solutions that drive the digitalization of the Group. With more than 13,000 employees located in 20+ countries around the...

von: - Vor 18 Tagen

Senior Manager Corporate Brand Strategy (m/w/d)  

Lidl Stiftung & Co KG - München, Deutschland

Lidl legt Wert darauf, dass sich dein Einstieg lohnt! Daher profitierst du bei uns nicht nur von einem Umfeld, in dem du Innovationen vorantreiben kannst: Unser Einarbeitungsprogramm bereitet dich auf...

von: - Heute

Intern / Working Student Executive Office & IT Transformation Program (m/f/d)  

Unterföhring, Bayern, Germany

Additionally, you will work closely with the Head of Integration & Transformation and participate in our IT transformation program. The goal of the transformation is to continue developing a future-proof...

von: - Vor 26 Tagen

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