IT - Telekommunikation Jobs in Katowice

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Cloud engineer for Digital Platform Operations - Focus area Network  

Vattenfall - Katowice, Germany

For more than 100 years we have electrified industries, supplied energy to people's homes and modernized our way of living through innovation and cooperation. APCT1_DE

von: - Vor 26 Tagen

Aplikacje na Niemcy  

office people Poland Sp.z.z.o. - Katowice, Polen

W office people codziennie łączymy tysiące ludzi dzięki naszej rozległej sieci klientów. Jako doświadczony dostawca usług personalnych z sukcesem obsługujemy naszych pracowników i klientów w 130 lokalizacjach...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Business Analyst for ERP, CRM and MES Systems  

IPG Photonics Sp. z.o.o. - Gliwice, Poland

IPG Photonics has manufactoring facilities in the United States, germany, and Italy, as well as frequent trade offices in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, America, Singapore, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Cloud engineer for Digital Platform Operations - Focus area Network  

Vattenfall - Katowice, Gliwice, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Solna

In the role as cloud engineer with the focus on network you will be working in a team that is very close to business but also to Agile IT and Core IT. To succeed in this role it is important that you have...

von: - Vor 26 Tagen

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