Manager Supervisor Sales Jobs

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Sales & Key Account Manager (m/w/d)  

Clearlab GmbH - Stuttgart

To ensure that the objectives set by his/her supervisor are achieved, and that his/her business activities are planned and organized on such a way that provides maximum sales volume and profitability in... Manager Supervisor Sales Karriere...

von: - Vor 9 Tagen

Production Supervisor  

Scherdel Sales & Technology, Inc. - Muskegon

The Production Supervisor monitors production schedules to ensure targets are met, analyzes daily KPIs for trends, and escalates issues promptly. This role ensures adherence to quality and safety standards... Manager Supervisor Sales jobsuche...

von: - Vor 26 Tagen

Sales and Key Accounts Manager, Germany, Austria and Switzerland  

Clearlab SG Pte Ltd - Home office

· Maintain a strong understanding of the organization's products and services to accurately and appropriately handle customer inquiries. · Grow and develop existing clients while generating new business... manager supervisor sales boss... 72.000 € (Arbeitgeber-Schtz.)

von: - Vor 18 Tagen

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