Organic Chemist Jobs

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Research Chemist  

BASF - 99986 Niederdorla, Deutschland

MAIN TASKS:Synthesis and scale-up of small organic molecules / intermediates / active ingredients on milligram to multikilogram quantitiesPlanning of synthesis including retrosynthesis and literature searchProcess... Organic Chemist Karriere...

von: - Vor 2 Tagen

Postdoctoral Position in Ecotoxicology  

Wilhelmshaven, Niedersachsen, Germany

In addition, the candidate could potentially support team members in the development of an ecotoxicological test for corals and/or studies on the ecological role of secondary metabolites from marine macro... Organic Chemist jobsuche...

von: - Vor 3 Tagen

B.Sc. or M.Sc. - Synthesis chemist organic chemistry  

HPC Standards GmbH - Deutschland

To expand our synthesis department for the production of native and isotope-labeled reference Several years of professional experience in organic synthesis chemistry is a plus substances, we are looking... organic chemist drug dicovery chemist...

von: - Vor 21 Tagen

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Organic Chemist