Phd Student Jobs

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PhD student (No: 011-25)  

Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Modellierung und Simulation von polymergepfropften Nanopartikeln für die kontrollierte Assemblierung/Auflösung suprakolloidaler Strukturen Integration in das interdisziplinäre Graduiertenkolleg GRK 2767... Phd Student Karriere...

von: - Vor 14 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Computer ScienceAcademy
PhD student Position at PITZ: Radiobiology and Nanotechnology  

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY - Ein Forschungszentrum der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft - Zeuthen, Brandenburg, Germany

DESY, with more than 2900 employees at its two locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen, is one of the world's leading research centres. Its research focuses on decoding the structure and function of matter, from... Phd Student jobsuche...

von: (+1 Quelle) - Vor 5 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Student CultureStudent Data Science

Medizinische Universität Wien - Wien, AT

PhD-Student:in (30h/Woche, UN790 / UN94) Hrforschung Vienna Inner Ear Lab, Christian Doppler Lab for Inner Ear Research Februar 2025 Ausschreibung: PhD-Student:in (30h/Woche, UN790 / UN94) Hörforschung... phd student deutsch...

von: - Vor 17 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Student BildungsStudent Sport D
PhD student (f/m/x) in the area of Scientific Machine Learning Wiss2501-24 | Department of Math[...]  

Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Wir sind eine der größten und ältesten Universitäten Europas und gehören zu den größten Arbeitgeber*innen in unserer Region. Durch unser breites Fächerspektrum, die dynamische Entwicklung unserer Forschungsschwerpunkte... phd students work can...

von: - Gestern

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Student E LearningFrench
PhD Student (f/m/d) part time 75%  

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

We are seeking a PhD student to investigate data-driven biodiversity classification in a stakeholder process, particularly how audio recordings from citizen scientists and satellite imagery can be integrated... phd student doktorand...

von: - Vor 8 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Student Performance DComputer Science Berlin
PhD student: Plant RNA Biology  

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Dienststellen: 9000 - 9640

Almost all of its institutes are located on a single campus close to the Mainz city centre – creating a lively academic culture for researchers, teaching staff, and students from every continent. **Faculty... graduate student study...

von: - Vor 19 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Student HealthStudent Data Science M W D
Research Assistant (PhD student)  

Universität Marburg - Marburg, Hessen, Germany

The University of Marburg, founded in 1527, offers a variety of excellent programs of study for around 22,000 students and confronts the important topics of our time through excellent research across a... phd student - in München...

von: (+1 Quelle) - Vor 13 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: TutorStudent English
PhD student in astrophysics/astroparticle physics  


DESY, with more than 2900 employees at its two locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen, is one of the world's leading research centres. Its research focuses on decoding the structure and function of matter, from... phd student f m...

von: - Vor 14 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Student E Learning DStudent Health D
Research assistant (m/f/d), EG 13 TV-H, chair "Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research of English" , , Institute of English/American Studies  

Universität Kassel - Kassel

- The chair of "Research on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching: Didactics of English" (Prof. Angelovska) in collaboration with the chairs of "Developmental Psychology" (Prof. Ebersbach), "English Linguistics"... phd student f m d...

von: - Gestern

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Biology DLehrer München
Ph.D. student position (f/m/d)  

Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany (+1 Ort)

Join our cutting-edge research team at the Institute of Experimental Biomedicine , part of the University Hospital Würzburg , and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries in vascular inflammation and platelet... phd student m...

von: - Vor 16 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Bachelor ThesisStudent Physics

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Phd Student