PHP Architect Jobs

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IT-Entwickler PHP / JAVA / .NET (m/w)  

Moovijob Day Luxembourg - Merzig, Saarland, de (+9 Orte)

Profil: Kompetenzen in den folgenden Bereichen: Dotnet, Cobol, CSS/ CSS3, HTML, IDE, Java / J2EE, Angular, Javascript, Android, iOs, MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PHP, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic, WinDev Erste... PHP Architect Karriere...

von: - Vor 2 Tagen

Team Leader & Architect Product and Application Development PHP & Databases  

ITUMA GmbH - Hilden, Germany

ituma GmbH is a German IT company based in Hilden near Düsseldorf. As one of the market leaders in Europe, we have been defining observability, orchestration solutions and end customer business solutions... PHP Architect jobsuche...

von: - Vor 20 Tagen

Job Opportunity: PHP Developer  

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

· You would be in charge of your project’s success including planning, tracking, and executing software architecture, resource allocation, and process implementation, which meet budget, quality, and time... architect php...

von: - Vor 3 Tagen

PHP Team Lead -Münster  


This is an established European comparison site with awesome offices and an extremely modern Tech Stack and market leading salaries. Their offices are located in Dusseldorf, Münster, and Munich. Make technical... php architect m w d...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

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PHP Architect