Senior Computer Vision Jobs

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Senior Computer Vision Engineer  

MOBIS Parts Europe N.V. - Eschborn

MOBIS Parts Europe N.V. is the European branch of Hyundai MOBIS, a worldwide leading supplier of genuine parts and accessories in the field of automotive. Together with Hyundai Motors and Kia Motors, Hyundai... Senior Computer Vision Karriere...

von: - Vor 26 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Senior Computer Vision EngineerWeb Entwickler
(Senior) Software Engineer Computer Vision / Sensor Data (all genders)  

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

You will be responsible for developing UAI products and common components that are required to handle the sensor data (images, LiDAR, Radar) that we receive from our customers. In this role you need to... Senior Computer Vision jobsuche...

von: - Vor 23 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: ITSoftware Computer Vision D
Senior Software Engineer- Computer Vision (m/w)  

München, Bayern, Germany

Finden Sie mit der AllatNet Recruiting Ihren Traum-Job. Durch unseren einzigartigen Kontakt zu Groß- und mittelständischen Unternehmen erweitern wir Ihre Karrieremöglichkeiten. Diese Dienstleistung ist... senior computer vision expert...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: IT ManagementIT Service
(Senior) AI/ML Engineer - Video (f/m/d)  

Cinemo GmbH - 76131 Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

As a (Senior) Software Engineer at Cinemo, you will play a critical role in the development and enhancement of our AI/ML powered applications for wide range of automotive hardware and OS platforms such... senior computer vision expert deep... 85.000 - 100.000 EUR per year

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Computer Vision ExpertIT Consultant
Senior Software Engineer / Computer Vision (all gender)  

Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Container Management : Create and manage docker containers for different workflows and integrate them seamlessly into Kubernetes (Argo Workflows). Big Data : Competent in managing large amounts of data... senior computer vision engineer team...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: IT ExperteTest
(Senior) Software Engineer - Computer Vision (w/m/d)  


Du hast die Chance, eine führende Rolle in der Entwicklung eines generischen Software-Frameworks für Computer Vision Anwendungen einzunehmen. Wir bieten dir die Möglichkeit, Teil eines Teams zu werden... senior computer vision engineer 3d...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Test SoftwareSAP IT
Senior Developer (f/m/d) in SAP Analytics Cloud  

SAP - 01067 Dresden, DE

At SAP, we enable you to bring out your best. Our company culture is focused on collaboration and a shared passion to help the world run better. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow... senior computer vision expert m...

von: SAP - Vor 26 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: IT EntwicklerIT Berater
(Senior) Software Engineer - Computer Vision (w/m/d)  


- Tiefgreifendes, mathematisches Verständnis über diverse Computer Vision Algorithmen und Modelle, weit über die einfache Nutzung aktueller SOTA-Bibliotheken und Githubs hinaus - Sehr gutes Verständnis... senior computer vision expert for...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Entwickler DComputer Vision München
Senior DevOps Engineer (m/f/d)  

München, Bayern, Germany

At sewts we automate what others can’t. Gripping of deformable materials like textiles is a task most humans see as intuitive and simple. However, this is a complicated task for robots as they lack the... senior computer vision engineer ar...

von: - Vor 24 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: SystemadministratorIT Spezialist
IT Support Specialist  

Caiz - Frankfurt am Main

Scandit gives people superpowers. Whether enabling delivery drivers to make quicker deliveries, matching a patient with their medication, or allowing retailers to make store operations more efficient,... senior computer vision ai engineer...

von: - Vor 28 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Entwickler Computer VisionIT Unterföhring

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