Wissenschaft - Forschung Jobs in Les Verrières

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Teilzeit Jobs in Bern

Quality Control, Associate Director  

WuXi AppTec - Les Verrières, Switzerland (+3 Orte)

Responsible for leading OOX results laboratory investigation and deviation investigation, perform impact assessment and establish corrective actions & preventive actions (CAPA) based on the root causes...

von: de.tideri.com - Heute

Sr. Quality Assurance Analyst  

WuXi AppTec - Les Verrières, Switzerland (+4 Orte)

An Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or...

von: de.tideri.com - Heute

Senior Quality Analyst  

WuXi AppTec - Les Verrières, Switzerland (+4 Orte)

An Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or...

von: de.tideri.com - Heute

Packaging Technician (Pharmaceutical Industry)  

WuXi AppTec - Les Verrières, Suisse (+4 Orte)

Avoir une formation initiale de niveau CFC de laborantin, ou une experience de 3 ans dans le domaine de I'industrie pharmaceutique ou equivalente. Support technique pour ses collegues et joue un role de...

von: de.tideri.com - Heute

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